Yoga and chakras: Root Chakra note
Root Chakra is at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals.Part of the practice of yoga to achieve inner peace and balance is a fundamental aspect of the recognition of cycles. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel, and vertically from the base of the spine to the top of the head there are seven chakras in the body arranged. Cycle spinning vortexes of energy that is seen as, when balanced, leading to a higher consciousness and peace.
Root chakra (root chakra)
"I am."This cycle is based on the spine between the anus and the genitals. The physical identity, instinctual nature, survival, freedom, stability, and is associated with ambition. In Sanskrit, the root chakra and Adhara Mula means root meaning "support", with is called Foundations. This cycle of eight shining spears on the sides and corners and four red petals with yellow lotus flower is a symbol of a square. Inside the yellow square is a red inverted triangle. According to Hindu belief, Kundalini Shakti, or "great spiritual capacity" within the red triangle. Await the excitement of the reunion with Brahman, or divinity can source.Each of the four petals represent the human tendency: the largest of the course fun, joy, happiness, passion and liberation specializes in concentration. Religion (psycho-spiritual longing), meaning (mental craving), kama (physical desire) and Moksha (spiritual liberation wish): they are called to represent. These are the foundation of Hindu philosophy and religion.Ida, Pingala and Sushumna: the root chakra three Nadi (or energy channels), which is emerged. The other six cycles for three channels and through the body through the root chakra flows upward.Red is the color associated with the root chakra and represents the earth element. The anus, prostate, adrenal gland, kidneys, lower digestive function, excretory functions, and regulates sexual activity. Root chakra is unbalanced or a person fatigue, poor sleep, waste disposal problems (such as constipation), depression, obesity and feel blocked. This person also, isolated power, or full of anger and rage, fear, may feel uncoordinated. He or she may be too obsessed with comfort, low self-esteem, and lack a sense of security.In contrast, a balanced and open the root chakra energy and vitality, strength and with good digestion, dedicated and independent, ground-centered leads to a feeling.
Foundations for the podium
Open here and that will help to balance the root chakra three postures:
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
This attitude usually starts several other posture, and your legs and your body for grounding line is required. In other parts of the body, giving attention to the proximity of the root chakra, balance and you can open it. Also in other poses helps to build self-awareness.How to do it: your big toes slightly apart with your heels stand side by side with the touch. Balance your weight evenly on both feet. (From the root to the crown chakra) to the crown of his head from the core of energy and energy Imagine a line that straight line with his thighs, hips and chest turn. Press your shoulder blades into your back and release. Simply lift your chest toward the ceiling and hang your arms next to your torso. Pelvis (which is lined with energy) and on the crown of your head to gaze straight ahead balance, relax your tongue on the floor of your mouth. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds to a minute and breathe rapidly.
Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I)
It enables parts of the arms and shoulders and strong legs and lower back. It is named after the legendary warrior chief and evokes feelings of strength and power was. It encourages the natural flow of energy your body can use, the root chakra understand that is a standing attitude.How to do it: (depending on how long your legs) Start by standing upright and then 1 to 1.5 meters behind you extend your left leg. Bend the knee directly above the ankle, so that the 90 degree angle is formed. Head, shoulders and knees pointed forward and left foot, raise your arms above your head into something twisted, as you inhale palms facing each other and fingers pointed to the sky. Look at the ceiling. You exhale, relax your shoulders and 1 minute Hold this position for 30 seconds. Lower your arms at your side and in a position to return back slowly bring your left leg. Extend your right leg back and pose Repeat.
Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
This pose helps to open the root chakra, which is an exchange-foot grounding. This stretches the spine and your entire body, as well as massage relieves tension and tones the abdominal organs. Uttanasana also calms the mind and promotes blood circulation.How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart Begin by. Exhale and your hips (not the waist) the bend. As you bend, expand and stretch your torso. With your knees straight, next to your feet (or your hand on the back of your ankle) Place your hands on the floor. Press your heels into the floor and lift your back towards the ceiling. His head between the shoulder blades, hang from the base of your neck. When you inhale, lift and lengthen your torso. You exhale, just go ahead instead. Hold the pose for 30 seconds in a minute. To come back, bring your hands back to your hips and upper body when you lift your breath back.
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